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Privacy Policy

Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree June 30 2003, no. 196 (Personal data protection Code), and subsequent changes, here below is the information concerning the processing of personal data for those internet users who enjoy web services offered by Marina Destombe and accessible from website address (hereinafter, the “Website”). We hereby supply you all due informations concerning the purposes and methods for your personal and sensitive data processing in our possession.

The information is provided only for this Website and not also for other websites consulted by users through links. The data controller shall not be held responsible for the personal information provided by users to external parties or any websites linked to the Website.

The information is inspired also by Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted by European Authorities for the protection of personal data, which constituted the group established pursuant to art. 29 of the Directive no. 95/46/CE, on May 17 2001, and whose objective is to single out minimum requirements for personal online data collection and, in particular, the methods, the timing and the nature which have to be provided for processing operations holders when users are connected to websites, regardless of the reasons for the connection (pursuant to art. 6, 7, 10 and 11 of the Directive no. 95/46/CE).


The data controller in relation to the processing of personal data processed following consultation of the Website and any other data utilized for the services provided by the Website is: Marina Destombe, Via Grevigiana, 2/A San Casciano in Val di Pesa 50026 (FI) -


Only the data controller, his employees, collaborators and partners in charge carry out the processing operations related to web services of this Website. In case of need, data can be processed by technical personnel which look after the maintenance of the Website.

The personal data treatments are carried out at the abovementioned data controller’s headquarter and at any other places where the parties involved with the processing are located.

A data subject shall have the right to obtain by the data controller the list of the persons in charge of the processing.

Personal data provided by the users shall not be communicated to third parties or disseminated.

Personal data of the users who submit requests of service are collected and utilized exclusively with the purpose of carrying out the service or the performance required. Personal data provided by the users shall not be communicated to third parties. Personal data can be communicated if it is necessary to comply with an obligation imposed by a law or if it is necessary for the performance required.

Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree, no. 196/2003, specific information on personal data processing is given and highlighted in the pages of the Website where the data are requested.
Such information is inspired by this Privacy Policy.

Personal data are processed only for the time needed to carry out the service required by the user or for the time needed for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.
The user may any time ask for termination of data processing or erasure of the data.


Data processing operations are carried out manually (for instance paper support) and/or by means of computerized instruments (for instance electronic supports and procedures) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the goals the data have been collected for.
Specific security measures are complied with in order to prevent loss of data, incorrect or illegal uses and unauthorized access.


Navigation data

Computerized systems and software procedures aimed at the functioning of this Website acquire, during their usual running, certain personal data whose conveyance is implied in the use of internet communication protocols.

These information are not collected with the aim of being coupled with identified individuals, but for their very nature might allow the identification of the users, by way of processing and combination with data held by third parties.

This category includes IP addresses or computer identification names utilized by those users who are connected to the Website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the required resources, time of the request, request to server submitting method, file size obtained in reply, code number pointing out the status of the answer provided by the server (successful, error etc.) and other parameters regarding the operating system and the user’s computer environment.

These data are employed only with the purpose of carrying out anonymous statistical examinations on the utilization of the Website and monitoring the correct function of the latter and shall be immediately erased after the processing. Data can be utilized in order to determine responsibilities in case of charges for web-crimes against the Website: except in that event, data on web contacts are currently kept no longer then seven days.

Data voluntarily provided by the user (email sending)

Discretionary, explicit and voluntary email sending to the addresses pointed out on the Website entails the acquisition of the mailer’s address, necessary to meet a request, as well as the other personal data eventually contained in the letter therein.
In the emails and requests the users are encouraged not to send names or other personal data of third parties unless strictly necessary for the performance required.

Contac form/information request

By filling in the contact form with personal data the user authorizes the use of the data to reply to requests of information, quotes, availability or any other kind of request as indicated by the form’s header.

Specific summary information on personal data processing is given in the pages of the Website where the forms are.
The personal data required are: name and surname, e-mail address, telephone and fax number.

In the emails and requests the users are encouraged not to send names or other personal data of third parties unless strictly necessary for the performance required.

Statistic data

To the purpose of carrying out statistical examinations on the utilization of the Website, we use a third party service: Google Analytics provided by Google Inc.

The data used by Google Analytic will be transmitted by the browser of the user to Google Inc. (the IP addresses will not be transmitted because Google Analytic on the Website is used anonymously).

Google Inc. utilizes the data collected to track and examine the use of the Website, to prepare reports on its activities, to offer other services regarding the activities of the Website and the use of the web.

Google Inc. may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network.
Google Inc in any case will not storage the Ip Address of the user because Google Analytic on the Website is used anonymously.

For more information about Google Analytics cookies please refer to Google’s official documentation by visiting following url:

In order to disable Google Analytics Cookies and inhibit Google Analytics to collect navigation data, please download browser add-on:

By surfing in the Website the user authorizes Google Inc. to process the personal data according to the methods and for the purposes stated in Google Privacy Policy.

The data controller does not control the use of these third party cookies and cannot access them due to the way that cookies work, as cookies can only be accessed by the party who originally set them. Please check Google website for more information about these cookies and for any request.


Subject to the specifications made with regard to navigation data, it is optional for the request for sending informative material and for the request of other services. Failure to provide, in whole or in part, personal data might prevent the request of the data subject from being accomplished.


Pursuant art. 7 Legislative Decree 196/2003 a data subject has the following rights:

If the user want to obtain copy of his/her personal data or to inform us of any mistake or misprint of the data collected or to exercise his/her rights or to request any information about the Privacy Policy of the Website, the user can send the request to the data controller to the abovementioned postal address or by means of email.

To guaranteed the security of the personal data of the user, he/she will be requested to prove his/her identity and to specify the data requested.


The Data Controller reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time by giving notice to its users on this page. It is strongly recommended to check this page often, referring to the date of the last modification listed at the bottom. If a user objects to any of the changes to the policy, the user must cease using this application and can request that the data controller removes the Personal Data. Unless stated otherwise, the then-current privacy policy applies to all personal data the data controller has about users.

Latest update: 26/05/2015